Did you know that 90% of soil is expected to degrade by 2050?

Importance of Soil for Food Production

Healthy soil supports crop growth by providing nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients are essential for plant development, yield, and nutrition. Soil also acts as a reservoir for water, helping plants withstand drought and flooding. Without healthy soil, farming becomes unsustainable, leading to reduced crop yields, increased reliance on synthetic fertilisers, and degraded ecosystems.

Biodiversity and Soil

A healthy soil ecosystem thrives with diverse organisms, including bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and insects. These organisms contribute to nutrient cycling, soil aeration, and pest control. Maintaining biodiversity in soil is crucial for sustainable agriculture and ecosystem resilience.

Climate Change Mitigation

Soil stores carbon in the form of organic matter, helping to offset greenhouse gas emissions. Regenerative farming practices such as cover cropping, and crop rotation enhance soil carbon sequestration. By improving soil health, farmers can contribute to climate change mitigation efforts.

Why healthy soil matters

Soil is not just dirt beneath our feet; it's a living ecosystem that sustains life and is the foundation of agriculture. In recent years, concerns about soil health and the adoption of regenerative farming practices have gained traction as people begin to recognise the critical role soil plays in our lives.

Threats to Soil Health

Despite its importance, soil health is under threat from various human activities. Intensive agriculture, deforestation, overuse of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and soil erosion degrade soil quality. These practices lead to nutrient depletion, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and water pollution. Addressing these challenges requires a shift towards regenerative farming practices.

How we can help

Regenerative farming practices are key to restoring and enhancing soil health through sustainable practices.

Here at Distinct, we work hard to make sure our ‘waste’ is actually rich in valuable, organic matter so that it can be used to create products that support sustainable farming practices and that are used by some of the top regenerative farmers in the UK.

As consumers, by supporting policies that promote sustainable land management we can contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.

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